VizFx Logo


Vizfx is an idea-driven, solutions-oriented studio, creating Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality projects in the intersection of technology, business, art and culture.

The only way to predict the future is to build it

Kenneth Bonde, Founder of Vizfx

VizFx 360 degree video nokia ozo
VizFx HTC Vive
VizFx VR

Our Company

Founded in 2005 with a strong background in the movie industry Vizfx balances enthusiasm, creativity and technical skills, crafting solutions that will connect companies with customers in new and unique ways - using emerging technologies.

Each project is unique custom-designed, and we will bring passion and skills to meet the most complex challenges and to exceed expectations, within budgets and schedules. The VR / AR / MR revolution will make the impossible possible for your next project. Let’s talk about it today.

An African proverb sums up why Vizfx is a part of InnoPixel:
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far - GO TOGETHER."

Our Craft & Expertise

From design, programming to execution. We have an array of services to help elevate and strengthen your company and deliver a valuable return on investment and improve your competitiveness.

Helping our partners with

  • Virtaul Reality,
  • Augmented Reality,
  • 360° Video,
  • Mixed Reality,
  • Visual Effects,
  • Motion Graphics,
  • Concept Development,
  • Project Management

Get in touch

  • +45 4550475768
  • CVR: 28823118
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